Tuesday, January 26, 2010

To Begin

Okay, Firstly, the lack of posting for two months issue was the result of a lot of unforeseen circumstances.
1. I was planning to move to Charleston in the middle of November, but due to a myriad of things preventing me from leaving every time I had scheduled to do so I finally took the hint from the universe, or the cosmos, or God and decided against moving.
2. I had spent a week packing all of my worldly possessions to make the trip down there once I secured a place to live leaving very little time to do much of anything else...
3. As I had been planning to move I had quit my panic-attack-inducing job so I had to spend most of my online time searching for potential employment opportunities. Yep, that's right I have faced the world as an unemployed citizen and survived. I quit my previous job on my birthday (at the very end of August) and didn't secure a new one until the end of December! Thankfully my family rallied around and supported me much more than they needed to... not that it's ever bad for a family to do so, it's just that I feel like I should be able to support myself on my own, I'm an adult, and I don't want to have to constantly look for handouts. So Christmas this year was interesting...
4. I had very little money for Christmas presents ($40). I mean $40 dollars is nothing to sneeze at, and we aren't particularly materialistic individuals I mean everyone told me not to worry about it, but I LOVE giving presents, it's one of my love languages (that in itself is a looooonnnnnggg story), so I had to be creative!
A. I spent the most money on my sister, a decorative wall fan from Oriental City.
B. Then a finger puppet for my mumsie (I swear to you that was what she asked for, that and
I wrapped every Christmas present that she had bought except for my own).
C. Next was a reproduction of a famous western painting of a lone gunslinger for my father
who is a cowboy at heart.
D. The last of the purchases was a Christmas ornament of a young ballerina in a tu-tu for my
grandmother (I customized the leotard with red polka-dots for an inside joke: again that's
a completely different story), but that is where the money spending ended.
E. For my sister in-law I raided our wine cabinet. We don't drink, but the fam gets given wine
and stuff for presents sometimes, and it lays unused for the most part, plus I had
purchased 2 special bottles for her Christmas with us last year, but we only opened one, so
she wound up getting two bottles of wine, and a bottle of sparkling wine this year. Plus I
made a ghetto-fabulous homemade wine rack out of gift boxes, just to be used to transport
the wines home...those puppies were safe from whatever my brother's driving would throw
at them.
F. My two aunties received two giant Rubbermaid storage bins full of fabric samples that I
had collected over the past year from the job I had quit (initially I had planned on including
something else...no idea as to what, but since I collected the samples for free I felt like they
weren't the best gift ever, but my aunties squealed with delight), and then there was my
G. He received 4 hand-painted ties featuring Star Wars characters. I spent about 14 hours on
each tie, so that left very little time for the internets (except for image research and
references), but the results were well worth the effort. There was a maroon Boba-Fett tie,
then one with intergalactic star ships and various musicians from throughout the series, a
gold one with R2-D2, and C-3PO a floral one with Ewoks hidden in the foliage which was
surprisingly most people's favorite. I think it was because the tie itself was so hideous, but
adding the Ewoks (specific ones from the movie) made it so ludicrous it raised it to
awesomeness. Thankfully the supplies for this project were free due to my father's excess
of unwearable ties, and and abundance of paint. Then my sister asked me to paint a Tim &
Eric tie for my bro's b-day, so there went another 8 hours.
5. I found the most awesome job that I have ever had, and spent more than 50 hours a week for at least 2 weeks helping prep the space for opening day. It was so much fun, but I didn't have time to do anything between full work days, and traveling an hour and ten minutes just to get there. Anyway I looooooove the job I re potted plants, embroidered, painted, sang, danced, unpacked beautiful things, and met a whole bunch of awesome new people... all within the first two weeks, I'm looking forward to what it has in store!

Anyway no more excuses, and my schedule has cleared up, so now I should be able to focus more attention onto this site. It'll probably wind up being more of a diary than anything else, although I started it with the intentions of making it a beauty/nail polish blog but it'll probably wind up being something to do to entertain myself. So, the whole "obsession with nail polish" thing has only gotten worse these past few months, and it was only within the past month that I had a steady source of income large enough to add more to my portly collection.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Obsessive Collecting

I have, since I was little, been an obsessive collector. Like sick, not healthy I would obsess about something I wanted or saw until I got it. It wasn't that I was jealous of what other people had. Most of the time the things that I wanted weren't anything people I knew had...or cared about, like owning every color crayon that crayola invented. Who cares about that? No one that's who, except for me. Of course in kindergarten I couldn't afford to stock my pencil box with random colors of wax , so that dream died slowly. Now I collect Prisma Color markers and colored pencils...I have art school to thank for that expensive addiction.
Also I started collecting Pilot G-2 pens in various colors, there's even a company that starts with an "S" that sells awesomely unique colors like marigold and pine green that look like, and write like the G-2's. To this day if I go shopping with family they refuse to let me enter the stationary/pen aisle.
I collect butterflies now as well. Not pictures of butterflies or statues or shirts with emblems printed on them, but real carcasses glued between two pieces of glass so that you can see the camoflaged, and the beautiful sides.Despite the whole artisitic thing I never really did like having art that someone else created on my wall, the butterflies provided a nice alternative. AND there are so many colors, designs and shapes!!!! I am geeking out just thinking about it!
More recently my wallet gas been assualted by the overwhelming necessity of owning make-up. Now in general I am too lazy/impatient to waste time preparing a facade for the world, this is because I find it increasingly difficult to wake-up every day in a timely manner, and I feel comfortable without it so why bother? But I feel compelled to purchase brightly colored eyeshadows, glosses, and of course lipsticks.
UV reactive, check!
rainbow matte eyeshadow? check!
rainbow shimmer? check!
neutrals? check and mate
Seriously. It all started with Urban Decay shadows, then I found xsparkage's site, and now I'm in love with that and DoeDeereBlogazine the creator of which sells Lime Crime Make Up "So Bright It's Illegal!". And now my wallet hates me, because I have been systematically purchasing goodies from Lime Crime (read: as soon as I get money I buy more from there). But I don't wear them, because they look so pretty in their containers, and really I just want to own them...that's weird isn't it? I blame my not too serious but still gut-wrenching-ly distracting case of OCD.
As if all of these lures weren't enough an old penchant has reared its plundering head. NAIL POLISH!!!
Buh, Buh, BAHHHHHH. Seriously is there a female in the developed world who hasn't at one point worn nail polish? There are men enjoying its beauty on their digits too, more power to them, it's not fair for us ladies to have all the fun. But fun on the fingers is painful to the budget in the past 6 months I have been hauling loads of nail polishes in. Appoximately 4 shoe boxes have been filled... as in I need to start another one if I buy one more polish, where as 7 months ago I had MAYBE half a shoe box?!!!!!!!! Blues, greens, purples, duochromes, and holo's I can't get enough!!! It's sad, but it's my life, and it makes me do the happy dance every time I get a new lovely for my collection.....anyone have any good/weird/unique collections?